Anna Juszczak

based in Krakow, works in graphic art, drawing, installation and objects, combining the image with the word. Her interests lie in questions of space, memory, liminal situations, visualisation of emotions and experiences.

Currently, she intertwines her artistic practice with medical subjects.

She pursued her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow Faculty of Graphic Arts and Universitatea de Artă și Design at Cluj-Napoca, Romania. In 2018, she was awarded her DFA. Juszczak was a recipient of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (2018), the T. Kulisiewicz Scholarship (2012) and the Creative Scholarship of the City of Krakow (2014).

Juszczak lectures at the Pedagogical University of Cracow Faculty of Art.

Her work has been exhibited at individual and group shows at home, including: What We Do in the Shadows, WIDNA, Kraków, 2018; Letnicy [Vacationers], MOCAK, Krakow; and abroad, including in Serbia, China, Romania, and Scotland.

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