Artur Trojanowski

(b. 1968) graduated from the Faculty of Visual Education of the State Higher School of Visual Arts [now, the Academy of Fine Arts] in Łódź, in 1993, with diplomas in Prof. Tomasz Chojnacki’s Studio of Graphic Arts and in painting from Prof. Jacek Bigoszewski’s studio. He works in painting, film and installation. Since 2005, under the moniker Bob Dewolai, he has formed the Group “Art. Spożywcze” [Comestibles/Artefacts of Consumption] and Pracownia Antyreklamy [Anti-advertising Studio].

Currently based in Lanckorona, Poland. His work has been presented in numerous venues in Poland as part of group or individual exhibitions, including: “Wozownia” Art Gallery in Toruń, “Zamek” Culture Centre in Poznań, Centre of Contemporary Art in Toruń and Galeria Bielska BWA, as well as in Denmark, France, Germany and the Ukraine. A multiple winner of the “Painting of the Year” competition organized by the magazine Art & Business (in 2002, 2003 and 2005).

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