On other forms of resistance

18.10.2018 18:00

The fourth and final conversation in our programme of gatherings around Ewa Ciepielewska’s exhibition, “I used to go the ZOO to watch panthers…”, combined with the finissage, during which we will be concerned with possible and impossible forms of resistance and protest.

We will debate whether the construction of private worlds has a capacity to change the system. Can observation become manifestation? Can art be a form of guerrilla action? Can a plain rafting on the Vistula protect its ecosystem against industrialisation? Is it better to build Molotov cock-tails, or to grow plants  “Fresh, robust vegetables and exotic fruits…”, so they explode reality from within?

conducted by: Kamil Kuitkowski, Kola Śliwińska, Ewa Ciepielewska

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