This concert/ritual is also a tribute to Vala’s female ancestors, to the Divine that is gender fluid, to the infinite fem_ness, and to the wisdom of Mother Earth. Vala refers to her own family history and connects with her beloved grandmothers, sisters, fathers, brothers and nature companions that guide her in her revolutionary practices. Vala questions the private and public, and offers her own personal history, feelings, thoughts and corporality to the public – named as friends and companions.
For this concert special thanks Each one of us can be
a healer, same as being a lover, a mother, a sister and also an artist.
Each one of us is an expert of their own experience and we know exactly
what needs to be done for ourselves only if we truly connect to our
deepest source –
our heart, our genitals, our pelvis and our sacrum.
There’s something joyous about
making something personal and vulnerable
into a community ritual
Vala wants to talk bodies
Vala wants to talk pleasures
Vala wants to talk eros
This night Vala calls you
Family, brothers and sisters,
friends, lovers and companions.