27 elements and others

26-05 - 15-07-2018

Marcin Janusz’s exhibition, “27 elements and others”, is an abstract study of the body. A body seen from within, first as a collection of organs, then as tissues, cells, chemical compounds, elements. Moreover, the body in Marcin Janusz’s works is always infected, transforming and mutating.
It is subject, according to the Platonian concept of the pharmakon, to the operation of a substance that poisons and heals it simultaneously. It exists between the mortal and the vital. Effecting an incessant transgression, a self-re-creation, a quest for the limits of the human and the natural.

The chemical, or even alchemical exploration is undertaken with the help of techniques that go beyond the traditional understanding of the matter of painting. Paints, silicons, resins, pieces of crystal, an airbrush and objects create almost palpable spits, sperms, biles, juices, and other bodily excretions.

It is the artist’s private microscope. The world seen under is ostensibly seductive with its intense colors, its attractiveness of form. Seen in close-up, it reveals the repulsive.

curator: Kamil Kuitkowski

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