I don’t differentiate,
philodendron and candied violas

12-10 - 15-11-2019

Curators: Agnieszka Gołębiewska and Lucyna Shefter

This dividing line is as thin as the bedsheet we sleep on. Or maybe it doesn’t exist at all. Art and life, our memories and those of others, which live within us. Everything is complementary, everything connects with everything else.

Bettina Bereś makes no distinctions or limitations, neither between artistic activities nor between art and life. Everything is combined in one coherent whole: simplicity and disobedience, the present moment and recollections, life and art. Words spoken, carried within us and shouted later on an embroidered wall hanging. Pink as the artist’s own color and pink which can be recalled as an iconic color of another artist that is so close. The paint roller over Bettina Bereś’s pictures puts a veil on it all like a remembrance carrier. Is it our memories or someone else’s story which we already take for our own?

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And disobedience?

Bettina Bereś knows it perfectly. Brought up in the heart of an avant-garde artistic environment, she rebelled long ago, choosing, among others, the path of classical painting.
So let’s just simply enjoy the painting of a ficus against a pink spot.
Let’s have an elegant party with the names of dishes embroidered on canvas plates, such as “Floating Island”, an exquisite dish made with just a few ingredients.

Let’s look at the blue sky reflected in the dressing mirror.
Let’s sit under the light of an extinct lamp, under which we still feel the light.
There are so many delightful, only seemingly insignificant phenomena, without which the world would have so much less beauty. Such as candied violas. “I don’t differentiate”, confesses Bettina Bereś in her conversation with us. When you sit in the living room of her house hidden in the garden, with a cup of tea in hand, you simply understand.

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