Meydad Eliyahu

Meydad Eliyahu (Kallingal) is a visual artist, curator, and independent researcher, born in Mesilat Zion, Israel, a community of Jews of Kerala origin (India). He has presented his artwork tracing the memories of Kerala’s Jewish past in several venues, including two exhibitions as part of the Kochi-Muziris Biennale: The Document Box (2016) and Red Crown, Green Parrot (2018) and the ‘Copper Wing’ exhibition at Contemporary Art Centre, Ramla (2022), ‘Threshold’ at The Wilfrid Israel Museum of Asian Art and Studies (2020).

Eliyahu graduated the Jerusalem Studio school master class program (2008), studied printmaking at the Jerusalem print workshop (2009) and Japanese and Chinese calligraphy and ink painting under master Kazuo Ishii (2011).

Eliyahu received many prizes and grants. Among them: The Plumas foundation grant (2023), Mifal HaPais Council for the Culture and Arts grant (2023), The Memorial foundation for Jewish culture grant (2018, 2024) and The Israel Ministry of Culture award for the young artist (2016).

Eliyahu’s works are part of private and public collections in Israel, the United States,Denmark, Germany, Italy, and India.

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